I haven’t been streaming in a while and slowly getting back to it…
So I had some overlay/sfx commands linked with Twitch channel points and it was working flawlessly before, now with the same scripts it wouldn’t launch, so I’ve fixed the scripts, overlays and sfx are working.
Now to ‘re-link’ them with the each channel points reward respectively - which I don’t really understand, it doesn’t seem to be done in the same way as before, and what WizeBot’s AI GPT thing tells you to do - does NOT exist in my control panel…
Just use the right action (Overlay SCREEN or Notification Area, in your case overlay SCREEN since you have animations), and link the command in question via the ID.
So, the GPT wizard is in no way able to help guide you through the configuration / use of the panel / wizebot.
It is trained exclusively to create scripts for the SCREEN overlay.
Here’s the code I’m currently using, seems to be working, and thank you for the link to the advanced integration, couldn’t find it for the life of me…
Currently seems to be working (the script).
Have not tried running channel point commands just yet.
var videoUrl = 'https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ph5ul0t5iomj1iq93twfq/mori_x264.mp4?rlkey=1fb9u38j48mxbvenhu3kdgix7&st=spt80btd&raw=1'; // Reverse Mori
// Add the video to the overlay with hardcoded size and position
<video id="overlayVideo" style="
position: absolute;
width: 1280px; /* Fixed width */
height: auto; /* Fixed height */
bottom: 0px; /* Top position */
left: 0px; /* Left position */
border: 0px solid blue; /* Border for visualization */
z-index: 1000;
" autoplay>
<source src="${videoUrl}" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
// Ensure the overlay ends when the video finishes
document.getElementById("overlayVideo").addEventListener("ended", setRefresh);
// Safety timeout to end overlay after 15 seconds
setTimeout(function() {
}, 15000);```