Overlay command works in test, but not LIVE on Twitch

So, I have this command that works with testing. Every time I hit test, it seems to work. But when I use the command in chat it works only SOME of the time. It used to not work at all in chat, but the wizebot AI suggested I use the Window.playsong instead of Audio.play(), which worked for other command and is in the example. So, I at least have this working in test, and it SEEMS to work some of the time live. The other portion is just some text that says %user% slaps %target% etc etc, and that works EVERY time. Hopefully someone can figure this one out for me.

// Play initial audio using WizeBot's playSong function
window.playSong('https://datas-01.wizebot.tv/files_upload/global/803117/cmd_3539087/66e99f321c1ea.mp3', 1, false);

// Display image on screen
$(".screen_div").html("<img width='52%' src='https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/056/165/acc.gif' style='position: fixed; top:50%; left:50%; transform:translate(-50%, -50%);' />");

// Replay the audio after 1.5 seconds
setTimeout(function() {
    window.playSong('https://datas-01.wizebot.tv/files_upload/global/803117/cmd_3539087/66e99f321c1ea.mp3', 1, false);
}, 1500);

// End the script after 2.1 seconds, remove elements, and call setRefresh
setTimeout(function() {
    setRefresh(); // Required to tell the overlay that the animation/command is finished.
}, 2200);

Can you tell me the name of your channel?

As well as the ID of the command in question :slight_smile:

Channel: Axe720
Command id: #3539087

I don’t see any problems with the script itself.

There is perhaps one thing, the “TAGS ON” mode, which is useless in this case.

Also try removing the “Sound notification” url in “Sound configuration”, it triggers (even if set on the global source) an additional notification in parallel. Just empty the field, the sound upload won’t be removed.

Try all this. If it’s still there, tell me the attempts that didn’t succeed (with the time and the person who initiated the command).

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