Hi, as in the title, my wizebot leaderboard stopped showing any info. It was perfectly working for more than 10 months, then nothing for like 2 weekd now. could you help plz ? (I already activated the ranking system on the wizebot pannel, nothing changed)
I dunno if the premium feature that can customize the name of the bot is the issue, I think it was able to be working fine even with the custom bot name.
Thank you for your help in advance
The extension is displaying very well on my end.
What browser are you using? Do you have an ad blocker or another browser extension that could be causing the problem?
hello, thank you for your anwser,
no I don’t have any ad blocker on my browser and I’m using google chrome. I tried on firefox and edge, got the same blank error.
In that case, do this:
- Open the detached extension (via the icon at bottom right).
- In the window that opens, press F12 to open the developer console.
- Refresh the page via F5, then go to the “console” tab in the developer console.
- From there, copy and paste the content (the console tab), and give it to me here

And in addition, tell me what this link displays:
No error, I have the same warnings.
Another thing to do:
Open the “Network” tab, check “Fetch/XHR”, and press F5, then a small screenshot of the list that appears.
If possible, then a screenshot (or copy and paste) of the contents of the “Response” tab for “fr or en” and “global” calls, which should be present in the list 
I can’t find the “response” u talking about sorry, im not into this IT things

There’s a problem here.
Can you make a screenshot of the whole list (without the “Fetch/XHR”)?
On Twitch, you have other problems (on other channels) with the extensions ?, they usually display fine?
Don’t you have an option with your provider (or router) to block ads and the like?
Or even an anti-virus with an option that could block web content?
no problem on other channels, I dont think my rooter block ads, I see ads like every 10 mins everywhere on streams and YT. no antivirus installed.
From what I can see, Twitch (the code in the background) does not trigger the authentication function which then launches the extension processes (displaying the menu, the list, etc.).
Have you tried displaying the extension on an unauthenticated browser, or even in “private browsing”?
I just tried, same problem everywhere else
Well, I don’t have any other “tests” to suggest.
There seems to be a problem either on Twitch’s side or on your side (connectivity issue), despite the absence of an error. There is a good chance that the problem will resolve itself.
Your viewers should not have the problem, the extension is displayed correctly on my side (and on a different browser).
We are going to program an update of the extension, to include some optimizations in the loading process and some improvements. Your channel will be added as an “invitation” for the pre-tests of the extension, this will allow you to see (if the problem is still present) if it works again.
alright, thanks. can’t wait then