Wizebot error: ⚙️ ❌ Several commands (2) match the criteria, please specify the identifier of the target command

Hello, I was trying to edit a command for a channel I moderate for within the Twitch chat. I used these to create the command:
!cmd add !rules $cmd(cooldown,600) $cmd(alias, !rule) Rules: (1) No…

^That (!rules) was created successfully

Then I tried editing it later, using:
!cmd edit !rules $cmd(cooldown,600) $cmd(alias, !rule) Rules: (1) No…

This time, WizeBot returned this:
:gear: Command ,!rule ( :warning: without “!”) (#3226150) created successfully (By EmptyHavok).

So it created a second rule command??

When I typed !rule WizeBot returned nothing, and sent me a whisper that said:
:gear: :x: Several commands (2) match the criteria, please specify the identifier of the target command

I tried editing again to fix it by removing the alias with “$cmd(alias, )” but now " " is an alias too!! I failed, and then WizeBot went offline.
When I check the streamer’s custom command list, there are three aliases that return two sets of rules now.

How exactly can I fix this without being the streamer myself?

I was able to fix it. In the whisper message it gave me a link to the list of the custom commands/alias for the streamer, which had an identifiers (ID column). Unfortunately that column AND WizeBot responses include a hashtag/pound sign (#) before the ID. DO NOT USE THAT SYMBOL when identifying the command! That had me trying like 30 different combinations of formatting the ID.

I just used, for example:
!cmd del 3226150

That deleted the weird command.
Hopefully this helps someone else.

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