Wize bot keeps banning people/unfollowers how can i make it stop? I have mae it inactive and remeoved the wizebot as a mod, now I cant even attempt to log into wizbot dashboard, it just keeps sending me back to try and authroize with the twitch button
WizeBot is no longer on your channel, you have deleted your account.
For information, there have been no bans/timeouts from WizeBot in the last 5 days on your channel. Check that no other bot is doing these bans/timeouts.
I only downlaod this bot and they still cant follow me back, it says content restrcited
i downloaded it today
This problem has nothing to do with having “downloaded” WizeBot, no bot or service can “block” the follow button on a channel.
Either the person trying to follow your channel has a problem with their account or you have blocked their account (/unblock viewer_name to be sure).
Either you have set restrictions on followers on your channel and this person does not have their authorised phone number or email address. You can check here: https://link.twitch.tv/ModerationSettings
Or Twitch has a temporary problem with its platform.
As regards logging into WizeBot, you’ll have to wait a little while after deleting your account before you can sign up again. But I can confirm that your account has been completely deleted (and therefore completely deactivated).
Its over 10 people, and I can send you screen shots of my mod settings its all at the lowest settings
14 people now
Take a screenshot of the “Follower verification” section on Creator Dashboard
It looks good for this section. Is Twitch’s “Shield” mode active on the chat?
Not auto-mod, but ‘Shield mode’.
You have the shield icon at the top of your moderator panel.
In the meantime, we’ve been able to do a “Follow” with a TEST account.
The account is well followed.
unfollow and follow me back
It works without a problem!
I didnt get you follow back the 2nd time
its many people, they cant sub either I have them on discord now showing me
The account is well followed, so there’s no problem.
The dashboard may not display unfollows/defollows as quickly.
If it’s true, it confirms that it came from Twitch.
Now I can’t help you any more. Only Twitch will be able to provide additional help if there really is a problem.
You no longer have an account on WizeBot, we no longer have a connection with your account. It is impossible for us to help more.
Try to wait and see if it’s not a temporary Twitch problem, if the problem is still there after that, contact Twitch support : Twitch Help Portal
You have also temporarily banned our TEST account. Either it’s you, or it’s another bot or one of your moderators.
In any case, as WizeBot has been banned from your channel, it’s not him