Hello -
Is anyone also experiencing the same issue as I am with the Goals page [Streaming Panel > Widgets > Goals
Changes are not saved and not displayed accordingly if I make an edit say current goal value.
I have tried on several different browsers but none seemed to work.
Can you clarify several things for me ?
What is the widget in question (You have two),
Doesn’t the modification take place when you modify the value from the “Current value” field ?, on the widget itself or/and on the widget page (editing)?
Hello Dere011,
The widget is goal #1289 .
The modification does not take place when I modify “Current value” or “Target value”.
According to your screenshot, you have a page loading problem.
Some elements are not loading.
Can you press F12 and give me a screenshot of the console tab after the page in question has loaded?
Hello Dere011,
The goals’ page work flawlessly now. I can see the green tabs next to the value fields and changes are automatically saved after value adjustment.
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November 7, 2023, 4:01am
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