got this dm… anyone have any idea?
WizeBot: [USER] This action is impossible, the user is protected. (!disable to disable whispering)
got this dm… anyone have any idea?
WizeBot: [USER] This action is impossible, the user is protected. (!disable to disable whispering)
Hello !
This message is sent when you try to ban, timeout or warn a moderator (or the streamer) using WizeBot commands.
It is also possible to receive this message when a !fc is attempted on the bot’s account (WizeBot) or a !duel or even a !give (virtual currency).
It’s simply a message warning that the action is impossible on the chosen account
thankyou, abit weird i got it without chatting, doing any commands or anything? i was just lurking
However, according to the history of messages sent by our bot, you received this message after using the !ban command.
Is someone else using your account at the same time as you?
You may have seen this message a little late (Twitch is sometimes capricious).
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