Our V17.5 update is deployed!
The wait is over! Here is the deployment of our new update!
Improvements, new features and some surprises are on the agenda
Find now below the changes of this new version:
Integration of Twitch Points
The second step is available !
We have made improvements on our ALPHA TEST of the integration of Twitch points.
- It is now possible to define a cooldown on actions,
- The "Custom Event " action is available,
- The generated code is now shorter,
- It is possible to define a random value (See page description),
- The generation page is now a little more documented.
The support is still closed for requests concerning this feature, the additional documentation will help to answer your questions in the generation of your actions.
Draw system
The draw system is evolving!
A pending response system allows to have notifications when a winner answers in the chat after the draw but also when the winner does not answer after a certain delay.
This system makes it very easy to know if your winner is still present after the draw.
This system is also configurable on the Automatic Giveaway system, allowing to provide the prize won only if the person answers after the draw.
In addition, here are the other new features :
- Added the “add” sub-command (!draw add viewer_name x) to add or entry (x) of a viewer (viewer_name) in the draw.
- Added the “reset” sub-command (!draw reset viewer_name) to remove entries of a viewer (viewer_name) from the draw.
- Restrictions based on the uptime of the session, week and month are available for the draws, allowing for example to allow only viewers that have spent 3H on your current live in a draw (See documentation for parameters).
- A draw history is available, which allows you to see the draws (manual and automatic) of your giveaways.
Temporary VIP's
In addition to the integration of Twitch points, which allows to automatically assign VIP’s users, we have added two commands based on the same principle.
These commands allow the addition (based on hours) and deletion of a temporary VIP rank.
These commands can only be used by the streamer.
- !addvip : Allows to add a temporary VIP.
- !unvip : Allows to remove a temporary or permanent VIP.
But also ! It is possible to create an object in your virtual store which is based on the same principle, an additional action is thus available in the configuration of your objects.
The temporary VIPs are automatically added in the the list “Pending Events” available on your panel, this list allows you to check and manage your temporary VIPs.
Quote management
Following your numerous requests…
It is now possible to modify the game, the date and the viewer name in addition to the text of the quote.
These modifications are possible from the configuration page of the quotes on your panel.
Personalized commands
The management of custom commands now allows to disable the display of the cooldown at the end of the message ([ XXs/m
This management is available globally and also per command (you can disable cooldown only on some commands and vice versa).
These options are available on the list of commands (Advanced configuration) and from the command edition.
Magic 8Ball
This is a feature used a lot on WizeBot!
The Magic 8Ball receives an update that adds new options like the possibility to define your own answers, the choice to use a command and finally the choice of the frequency (cooldown).
In addition, system optimization and improvements are deployed.
Go to your panel to configure this feature.
Wlink.co manager
WLink.co is the platform that allows you to create secure links for your viewers to share sensitive information such as game keys, links or login.
The advantage is that these links are publicly distributable (in a Chat for example or on Twitter), only the authorized person will be able to open the content of the link. Very useful if you don’t want to open private messages or when it is impossible to open them with the target user (blocked private message).
We now offer the possibility to create personalized links and to be able to manage these links after creation.
The creation of a link allows you to choose the Twitch platform and the Twitter platform for the recipient account as well as the expiration date of the link.
To access the manager, go to your panel and on the left via the quick access buttons (Additional authentication is required).
API - Virtual Currency
The virtual currency now has an API to view and manage the accounts of your viewers.
This API is under TEST for a period of time in order to identify possible errors and improvements needed, so it is possible that changes may be made during this phase.
During this TEST phase, the functionality will only be available to premium users.
A documentation is available to help you get started with this API.
Unlimited premium - price change
In the continuity of the January 5, 2019 price change, an increase in the price of the unlimited premium offer (a life) will take place from October 5, 2020 from €89.99 to €119.99.
The objective of this increase is still the stabilization of our service over the long term.
The other offers (standard & lite) will not have any increase in the present or in the future.
List of changes
[FIX] Fixed the TOP's (Custom Site) page to display all viewers.
[FIX] The Twitter map now correctly displays the "Twitch Player" again.
[ADD] Added "Water" animation for the SCREEN overlay (Advanced commands).
[ADD] The "counter" event is available in custom events, this event is called when a counter (command) is updated.
[ADD] It is now possible to change the date of waiting events to be executed.
[OPT] Optimization of the virtual currency accounts page + corrections.
[OPT] Various optimizations & improvements on the panel.
[OPT] Optimization of the virtual currency allocation during subs / resubs / subgifts.
[FIX] Fixed a problem with virtual currency allocation during subs / resubs / subgifts.
[ADD] The !account command in private message (WizeBot) is now available.
[FIX] Fixed a problem with the "_" of the nickname and the display of the chat and player on custom sites, automatically changes the "_" to a "-" to make Twitch embed (Player & Tchat) compatible.
[FIX] Fixed export system (Panel).
[ADD] Added a "mute" logo at the top of our MultiTwitch platform allowing to mute / demute by clicking on the logo of the concerned channel.
[ADD] Added the MultiTchat feature on our MultiTwitch platform to have a single block that can handle multiple Chats.
[ADD] Advanced follower management now requires an additional authentication for deletion actions, by default the authentication on WizeBot will no longer allow blocking users (/block & /unblock).
[PRM] The "Command name" option for the fishing game is now available to non-premium users.
[PRM] The "Chance to miss" option for the fishing game is now available to non-premium users.
[PRM] The "Silence" mode is now available to non-premium users.
[PRM] Step (1) follower check (Bots follows) is now available for non-premium users.
 Don’t hesitate to follow our Twitter account to get the latest news about the service.
Thank you for your trust!
Best regards,
The WizeBot team.