Our V17.2 update is deployed!
With a delay, here is our new update which was originally supposed to be a mini-update… but which now has surprises in store!
Above all, you can find below an important announcement regarding the conduct of the forthcoming weeks.
From Monday, during the next (3) weeks we will mark a “little break” on WizeBot in order to regain strength after these last intense and difficult months for everyone.
Support will remain available, as well as maintenance and corrections on the service but with a slightly slower pace than usual except for critical maintenance and corrections.
Thank you all for your understanding !
Now find below the changes of this new version:
Integration of Twitch Points
The first ALPHA TEST is available!
This system allows actions to be performed directly from Twitch point rewards.
This first phase makes the following possibilities available:
- Activation of the “Emote only” mode for x seconds,
- Auto Timeout (Viewer timeout) for x seconds,
- Virtual currency converter.
The use of this functionality is “currently” exclusively available for users with a premium (standard) account, the main reason being that functionality on Twitch is currently still very limited and these limits do not allow this system to be fully opened.
For this very first phase of TEST, we do not provide any support or guarantee of proper operation. However, systems will monitor and analyze the behavior for the next phases and we will allow us to intervene in the event of a problem.
You can configure your first actions by going to the dedicated page in your panel.
The implementation is rather simple, a form will allow you to generate a code that will have to be added in the description of your Twitch reward.
The title, description (apart from adding the code) and the price are completely free
Ranks, levels & TOPs
Changes are coming for the TOPs of your channels!
A new page is available on the custom website for your Ranks & Levels but not only.
The new page includes TOPs by uptime, message, cumulative subscriptions and virtual currency (If used).
In addition, a period selector is available to be able to choose by Week, Month or Global (Since the installation of WizeBot).
Options are available on the configuration page of the custom website in order to be able to configure the active categories and periods.
From next year, a “year” selector will also be available and by then other statistics will be deployed on this page.
Our “LeaderBoard” extension will later receive an update including this new data.
Advanced VIP management
It is now possible to define specific VIP permissions for your channel.
These permissions include the right to timeout, ban, unban, SongRequest management, Permit management and the protection of VIP’s against protections (Capital letters, Spam, etc.).
This management is available on your panel in the “User management” section.
Renewal of subscription gifts
The notification is there!
You can now define a notification in the Chat in case of renewal of a subscription gift.
In addition, virtual currency includes two new assignments:
- Allocation for the initial “gifter” of the gift,
- Allocation for the person who renews the gift.
We are also starting to store information regarding the renewal of gifts to later offer a “statistic” and a TOP.
Custom website
We have made changes to our custom website (Panel > Quick access > Custom website).
Which includes :
- Improvement of the ergonomics of the tables,
- Improvement of sub-menus (virtual store, commands list, etc.),
- Improved support (compatibility) for mobiles / tablets.
Virtual casino
Prices customization (Tiers) is now available for the slot machine!
You can define your own earnings for all tiers, these earnings will be fixed if modified.
In addition, a difficulty option is now also available (which makes it difficult or easier for the machine to obtain winnings).
List of changes
[UPD] The "personalized data" API allows the use of numbers and characters "-" and "_" in the data key.
[UPD] The domain name m.youtube.com (Mobile) is well taken into account by the protection of + SongRequest links.
[ADD] Addition of the TAG $cmd_count(command_id) which allows to retrieve the counter of an command.
[ADD] The !setvolume (SongRequest) command returns the current volume if no argument is added after the command.
[ADD] It is now possible to define a minimum and maximum bet for the betting system.
[ADD] Addition of the character "§" on the forbidden word system which allows to make a more advanced wildcard.
[ADD] Added the option to check the virtual currency account of a viewer (!account viewer_name).
[ADD] Addition of the limitation "Streamer (You only)" for adding a title in the SongRequest.
[PRM] The limitation option (SongRequest) is available to all users (Premium or not).
[FIX] Improved error handling when using the "Admin command(s)" type in the virtual store.
[FIX] Correction and improvement of the rerun detection.
[FIX] Fixed an issue with starting personalized announces (Timers).
[FIX] Fixed an issue with the WizeBot application and the "counters" commands.
[FIX] Fixed an issue with the list of commands and the action "Duplication" + "Deactivation".
[FIX] Fixed an issue with our MultiTwitch platform and the use of 6 streams at the same time.
Don’t hesitate to follow our Twitter account for the latest service news.
Thank you for your trust !
The WizeBot team.