Report of the last changes!
A few days separate us from the V15 update, today we publish the latest improvements, corrections and changes in recent days.
Here is the list of changes made to the service:
[UPD] Update of our pre-defined templates.
[UPD] The configuration template change resets the set of old configurations.
[UPD] Update of our Multitwitch platform to version 3.0 (corrections, optimizations and improvements to the program).
[UPD] Update of the "By category" activation of commands & announcements, the category name is no longer sensitive and can be used as a keyword.
[UPD] The !myaccount command is now available and replaces the !myuptime, !mymessage, etc. commands.
[ADD] The advanced tag $viewer() is available and allows retrieval of viewer information (uptime_week, uptime_month, etc).
[FIX] All the frequencies of the games are modifiable by non-premium users.
[FIX] The badge "founder" is well taken into account as a badge "subscriber".
[FIX] The $fortnite() tag is now operational again (API update completed).
See you soon for more news and changes!
Feel free to follow our Twitter account to get all the latest news from the service.
The WizeBot team.